#1814 Spring Sampler
This 7" square design comes on a
16" X 16" fabric, plenty for whatever final shape your
project takes - even a pillow. Flowers include; Japanese
Violet, Peach Blossom, Creeping Flower, Geron Daisy, Rolled Rose, Cast-on Flower, Bullion Rose, Bouclé Rose, and Knotted Lazy Daisy.
Available as a complete kit.

#1816 Nine Flower Octagon
This 14" diameter design comes on an
18" X 18" fabric. Featured flowers include; Japanese
Violet, Peach Blossom, Creeping Flower, Geron Daisy, and others.
Available as a print only.

#1818 Carmen's Wreath
This 11" diameter design comes on an
18" X 18" fabric. This unique piece has a distinctive
'old-world' charm reminiscent of renaissance Spain. Available as a

#1819 Spring Sampler
This 13" square design comes on an
18" X 18" fabric. Flowers include; Rolled Rose, Japanese
Violet, Knotted Lazy Daisy, Creeping Flower, and others. Available as
a print and a kit in two versions: see 1819B below..

#1819B Spring Sampler (Blue & Yellow)
It's the same design as #1819 but the thread selection is blues and yellows.

#1820 Daisy Sampler
This 11" square design comes on an
18" X 18" fabric. A pair of Cast-on Daisies surrounded by
buds and Fancy Daisies. Available as a print only.

#1821A Nine Flower Sampler #1
This 7.5" square design comes on a
16" X 16" fabric. Flowers include; Japanese Violet, Peach
Blossom, Rolled Rose, Geron Daisy and others. There are two kit
versions containing different thread assortments; color version A
pictured above & version B below.

#1821B Nine Flower Sampler #1
Same design as #1821A but this kit has an alternate color scheme.

#1822 Nine Flower Sampler #2
This 7.5" square design comes on a
16" X 16" fabric. Flowers include; Snowberry, Almond
Blossom, French Hydrangea, Fuchsia and others. Available as a print
or complete kit.